Patrick Bradley


This is my biggest art project to date. In May of 2021, I came to visit my family and to help my mother move into a new house. After we got her moved, I was driving around and happened to drive down one of my favorite streets growing up. I passed an abandoned house that caught my attention. I turned around and drove back past it. I shot a video of it. I looked at it over and over realizing the potential this house had. My dream house actually.

The next day I went back to it and went in it. It was awesome. It was not for sale. I became obsessed. I had wanted to buy a house for a long time. Brooklyn was too expensive. I didn't have millions. With the help of a realtor friend and google, I found who I thought the owner could possibly be. A Linked In profile said he worked at a local lumber store. I went there and asked for him. He was in fact the owner. He looked at me in disbelief when I said i wanted to buy it. I gave him my number and told him if he wanted to sell it let me know.

Two days later he called, we met over there and worked out a deal. And that was that. I just felt an instant connection to this house. I can't explain it. It's a mid century house, built in 1951. The exact house I've always wanted. Mid century modern. And this crazy ride began. I wasn't planning on doing any of this. It just happened. Back